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 bullet.gif (167 bytes) Beautiful paintings by Tony Sánchez  Blue Throated Macaw and many others.  

bullet.gif (167 bytes) Pooh" is on Coffee Mugs, T-shirts, Tote bags, Note Cards, and can be put on just about anything. This picture was done from a baby Umbrella named Pooh in the "porcupine" stage of development! The caption reads "Don't bother me, I'm having a bad feather day!". You can get your mug done with a picture of your bird on it. Go to
to see more of Treasured Feathers Aviary & Art Works.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Up at Six Avian Site with information on Avian Articles, mailing lists and behaviors, plus more.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Vet Talk questions answered by Veterinarian Dr. Rosskopf  and Chris Davis Avian Behaviorist

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Bird Breeder On-Line. Features breeding, health and more.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Birds n Ways. Sites & information about a species of pet parrots or exotic birds. Wonderful articles by the top breeders in the world. Toys, information, articles and any information you might want.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Birds n Ways Winged Wisdom. A magazine online for exotic birds & pet parrots. Articles on the care & Breeding of pet birds, pet parrots & exotic birds.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Update paper by Dr. Branson Ritchie presented at M.A.R.E. summer 1998. It also briefly covers PBFD and Polyomavirus. It may help with some questions.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)The  North American Cockatiel Society

bullet.gif (167 bytes)A wonderful link for everything you wanted to know about Cockatoos.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Please help that lost bird find his way back home
.sunhome.gif (4136 bytes)

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Some excellent resources to learn about your bird and to meet other bird people. Many friends have been made on these lists.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)One of the best pages on Cockatiels I have seen

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Here are the sites provided by Nancy O that have information about safe/unsafe things you would want to know.. Does anyone have any others to add?

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Great information on abundance weaning.

bullet.gif (167 bytes)If you want to find a certified vet go to and find a state and it will list the vet I don't know how current this list is but it's a start

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Bird Talk online

bullet.gif (167 bytes)A Tail of Fire" Limited edition African Grey art print by Jean Pattison "The African Queen"

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Article about wing clipping. Explanation and a diagram explaining the clip at a link from in the "articles" section. The article is entitled "Wingclipping & the African Grey."

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Article in Winged Wisdom by Bobbi Brinker about switching a bird from seeds to pellets. WW is at

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Avian Behaviorist you can contact:
Layne Dicker:ldicker@EARTHLINK.NET
Liz Wilson:
Sam Foster: :

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Recipes for your birds:

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Wonderful Articles just about everything you would want to know:

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Annual Well Bird Exam  by Dr. Lisa Paul

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Life after Weaning by Bobbi Brinker

bullet.gif (167 bytes)Hazards and care of your bird

bullet.gif (167 bytes)A Site with more information then you can hope for. Plan to stay awhile.                                                   ptbanner.gif (6746 bytes)

bullet.gif (167 bytes)One of the best books on care and nuturing and feeding of a Grey Parrot. Written by Bobbi Brinker
For the Love of Greys
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bullet.gif (167 bytes)Bobbi Brinkers way of growing sprouts

I like short tails on the sprouts. If they are too long, then the
sprouts will be bitter.

Most often I soak the sprout mix in water - starting in the early
afternoon. I rinse them and change the water several times during the
day; then soak them in fresh water overnight. In the morning, I drain
off the water, rinse well, and give to the birds.

If I start the sprouts earlier in the day, then I do the same thing
until I go to bed. Then I rinse well and put the jar on an angle
overnight. Then in the morning, I rinse well and give them to the birds.

bullet.gif (167 bytes) Site to report missing pets. It is national and international.

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